
Digitization of maritime and port operations: what is at stake?
Worldwide maritime and port operations are currently involved in an unprecedented digital transformation. While digitalization improves the sector’s performance, security and competitiveness, it also brings new vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. Cyber-attacks on maritime and port industries have multiplied in recent years, resulting in financial losses and impacts on maritime operations.
However, when it comes to cyber security, maritime and port industries, as well as the naval, nautical, offshore and marine renewable energy industries, have specific characteristics that differentiate them from other industries. Therefore, securing the digital maritime world requires a targeted approach.
Under the leadership of the French General Secretary for the Sea (SGMer) and with the support of the French Information Security
Agency (ANSSI) and over a dozen partners from both the public and private sectors, France Cyber Maritime was created on November 17th, 2020
France Cyber Maritime missions
France Cyber Maritime is a non-profit organization. Its main purposes are to increase the resilience of maritime and port operations to cyber threats and to develop a network of expertise in maritime cyber security.

Increase the resilience of maritime and port operations to cyber threats
Operate the M-CERT (Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team) which provides information and assistance to all maritime and port operators.

Develop a network of expertise in maritime cyber security
Foster the creation of high-value added services adapted to the needs of the industry.

A comprehensive approach to maritime cyber security
With more than 70 members, France Cyber Maritime aims to support the ambitions and bring together the needs of the maritime and port sector in terms of cyber security.
Federating the ecosystem
The complexity of the maritime and port industries requires a sector-based approach to cyber security. It is equally vital to prepare for the future and anticipate threats by supporting
innovative and sovereign cyber security solutions.
With the support of its members, France Cyber Maritime analyzes the needs of maritime operators and advises them in order to identify the most suitable and efficient solutions.

Tailored cyber security solutions for the maritime sector
The expertise of the association members makes
it possible to offer a range of services covering
all the needs of the industry.
Through its missions and beyond its range of solutions, France Cyber Maritime also contributes to the resilience of the maritime sector and to the mitigation of cyber threats.

M-CERT : anticipating, analysing and sharing
M-CERT (Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team) is a national centre which is in charge of monitoring and analysing cyber threats as well as sharing information within the maritime and port sector. It assists all metropolitan and overseas operators and is able to assist at an international level, when required.
M-CERT is a member of InterCERT France, a network of first-class French CSIRTs and CSIRTs working together to tackle cybersecurity risks.

France Cyber Maritime members
With more than 70 members, France Cyber Maritime brings together within three membership boards public sector players and regional coastal authorities, maritime operators and cyber security solution providers.